Sunday, January 29, 2012

Max: 7 months old

We're over the middle year hump and are on the back end of the first year. I can't believe how big this baby already is! Yesterday I put him in a 12-18 month hooded jumper and it fit. I gave the arms and legs one roll and it was perfect. I have to find him some new onesies, but apparently that's hard to come by when you don't want all Carter's. I'm so over Carter's. 

He is rolling all over the place. He doesn't really show signs of crawling, but cruises all over the living room by rolling around. He figured out how to get to Carson's toys and it was plenty of motivation. I'm not sure how we are supposed to keep the little stuff out of his reach. We didn't have that problem with Carson...

There are tons of sounds and Dada's happening. Still no Mama's. He loves the rice cereal, still is so-so on the fruit. He makes the bitter-beer face all the time like they are too sour. He's sitting up 90% of the way all on his own. He does well, but he easily topples over if he tries to reach for something. We definitely can't trust him on his own like that just yet. 

Here's our amazingly chubby, happy, giggly, silly, sleepy, rolly, adorable Max.

IMG_3520 web

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