Friday, October 21, 2011

Rollin' with the homies.

For a few weeks now we've been putting Max on his belly and he'll roll (fall) over on his back. He tries to look up so hard that he loses his balance and rolls over. Then he quickly started trying to roll from his back to his belly, but could only go about 75% of the way. That darn elbow just kept getting in the way! He has had a few 99% goes in the last few days, but he officially got it tonight with a complete rotation on purpose! I put him down on a blanket next to the kitchen while I got dinner out and he rolled over two different times, both times catching me way off guard. After dinner we put him down so everyone could see and he was a rolling machine! Look at him go!!!

This one was 5 days ago while he was trying to scoot. He really does it if you put your hands at his feet so he has something to push off of.

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