Friday, October 21, 2011

Max's friends.

I’m so grateful for the friends I have in my life. Last year I met my dear friend Jamie and have been so lucky to have her to bounce off of when we need it. Granted, we haven’t seen each other enough in the last year because we were both exhausted and pregnant, but good friends can pick up like they saw each other yesterday. Our babies were due about 6 weeks apart and then she found out they were actually having twins! Quite a shocker….. So when Max ended up coming a week late (on Jamie’s birthday!) and her babes were just under 3 weeks early,  their birthdays were only 11 days apart. But it’s more like Max is at least a full month older and he already looks so much bigger!

I’m so sad, but so happy for Jamie’s family, that they are moving to OK in a matter of days. I couldn’t bare to let her go without one last gab-fest and baby date. I’m sure going to miss her, but luckily we live in a world where it’s beyond easy to stay in touch 24/7!

Here is Max, Savannah and Weston.  (Carson just ran up to the photos and said, “That’s my brother, Max. Look at how big his head is!”  LOL)

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