Monday, October 31, 2011

Potty. Trained.

You have no idea how happy I am to scream..........Carson is potty trained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They say one day they'll just decide to do it and that really was true for him.

He has been going in the potty once or twice a day for months now and was being so stubborn about going more. Last week my mom got him new library books and a bunch were about the potty. He read them over and over for about 5 days before. My friend Jamie told me a box of small presents worked for her son so I wanted to try that too. We had promised him all kinds of fun things if he went, but they weren't concrete enough to make him go NOW. I got 10 or so small toys from target, wrapped them and told him he could pick a present every few times he peed or if he finally pooped. He had never ever pooped on the potty. He said it was scary and we couldn't convince him otherwise.

He was going a lot last week and then came Friday. I was down to the last diaper and asked him what we should do. He said, "maybe I could wear super hero underwear". Great idea, kid. That whole day he peed in the potty over and over and pooped TWICE without me even asking or knowing! He was rocking it. Then he got grumpy after a nap and I had my doubts that night. But since then he hasn't had a single accident and has gone to the potty every time in the toilet. He even went 4 times on saturday while we ran errands. I bought him a huge Buzz and huge Thomas balloon because I made the promise and he didn't forget. I am so not above bribery for no diapers!

The small presents seemed to be a good immediate incentive. He got 2 or 3 per day and were much cheaper than diapers too!!! We are laughing every time he gets up and goes in the bathroom. He comes out and can't figure out why we're smiling at him. :)

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