Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

We ended up having a relatively eventful and fun long weekend, even though we went into it without serious plans. Saturday morning we went to grab some breakfast and go grocery shopping. Since my husband is wonderful he has been coming with me for a few weeks for the big grocery trips to do all the heavy lifting. On the way home we could see it was a gorgeous day and he said he wished we had gone for a drive. I obviously asked why we still couldn't because it wasn't that late. And it wasn't like we had anything else to do! So we quickly got ready and our stuff together and took off for the mountains by 11:00. 

I hadn't been pushing a four-wheeling trip lately because I was scared of what my bladder would feel like. Sorry if that's a little too much info.....but I'm uber-pregnant now! Carl knew of a trail area we could go to that wouldn't be too rough above Idaho Springs. Let me tell you, the first ten minutes of the trail before we stopped to air down the tires were BRUTAL. The little guy woke up and was kicking out my sides as he was also shifted right on my bladder. Every bump was almost torturous. After the air-down I was 99% good though. We ended up in a completely different place than Carl thought we would and we still don't really know what summit we were on. It was so gorgeous though. Carson took about 2.4 seconds flat to jump in the biggest puddle he could find and he climbed every hill in the area.

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Carl drove the Jeep up in every precarious position he could to make me as nervous as possible.
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See a theme with the hills???
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I begged Carson to stop and just look at the camera with a smile for one teeny tiny second. Instead I got this.
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Carson only wants to be doing what his daddy is doing. I came back from a much needed potty break at the gas station when we were done and found this. Carl was putting air back in the tires and Carson was right there as his wingman.
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On Sunday we had big plans for the morning. We have been anticipating the day we take Carson to his first movie for a long time because we love going so much. When we saw months ago that Kung Fu Panda 2 would be out this weekend we said that would be the first one. Believe me, our household could recite the first one in our sleep thanks to Carson! We went to the earliest showing and got there early enough to get the best seats. At first he was running up and down the aisles and we were a little worried. But he eventually sat in his seat for the previews and ended up doing really good! He had three of us to go between and sit on our laps, but he stayed in his seat for the most part. He didn't try to escape once and ate a little too much movie popcorn. He actually didn't seem to be overly impressed by the whole thing. At one point in the middle he asked to play with my phone. Go figure. 
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And a lesson for everyone who keeps their camera on auto..........DON'T!!!!!!!! I am so disappointed everytime I hand over my camera and turn it to auto. Normally I could just pick the settings I'd want for them to use and it would be fine, but for a while I have used an alternate shooting method that doesn't make that possible. I don't use the typical shutter release and can't flip it over easily. Auto is my only option to get out of the other mode. Cameras are stupid. If you give them any control you'll be disappointed. I couldn't believe in this lighting situation it picked a shutter speed that wouldn't be acceptable in bright sun. I mean, could we be any blurrier?!?!!?!
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On Monday we ended up with a good-sized gathering at our house. It always goes from a casual grilling to a party. We had a ton of fun though and really good food. Carson played and played and played. Once again he just wants to be one of the guys. He got his first experience with frisbee golf and doing "recon" to fetch them all over the fence. 
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Another bug we had to hold and let crawl on him. Yucky yuck yuck. Luckily my mom doesn't mind them at all and is the designated bug-catcher.
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After everyone left we all crashed on the couch. Carson hadn't even attempted a nap so we knew he was pooped. It was 5:30 and in about 3 minutes he went from wanting to play with my phone to being in a knocked out ball on my lap. Poor kid was DONE.

For Mother's Day my mom planted a new flower on my front porch. It had gotten cold just after so we haven't had any flowers. Three of them came to life yesterday though and they're so pretty!
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