Friday, June 10, 2011

38 weeks - Maternity Photos

I am more than lucky to have an amazing friend and fellow photographer that also just happens to be pregnant. Jamie is about 6 weeks behind me, but is having twins so her belly couldn't be cuter and perfectly round right now. We have been trying to plan a day to get together and do each others maternity photos for weeks now. You can imagine how easy it is to reschedule when you feel a bit unmotivated at this point. We were obviously losing time that we can't get back so we made the commitment to meet up on Wednesday night. Goody for us that this day it decided to be totally stormy. We got about three minutes of shooting Jamie in and one of me before it started raining on us. We waddled back to the car and tried to head further East to get ahead of the storm. It didn't rain any more, but was SO windy that it was nearly impossible to get a good shot of our faces. The wind made our hair a total mess and we could only stand in the one direction with it coming right at us. Not the best scenario...... But I am more than happy with what I ended up with. I hardly even have a record that I was pregnant with Carson so I am so grateful to have these photos now of this baby in my belly.

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I also had my 38 week check up yesterday. I haven't had any activity or contractions to speak of so my doctor's appointments are pretty lame. They ask me if I have any questions, I say no, so they ask me questions that they already have answers to. It's a waste of time, but I guess it has to be done. The good news is that my blood pressure and all the other stuff looks really good this time. At the end with Carson they thought I was developing pre-eclampsia and had some concerns. This pregnancy has also measured exactly the same as with Carson. With both of them I have been the exact number of centimeters I should be up until week 36 when I measured 34cm. Then at 38 weeks I am measuring 35cm. Luckily that is normal and will hopefully mean this guy will be in the 7-8 pound range too which I am more than happy to handle! At my 36 week ultrasound he was head down. I hoped to get a good look at his face, but his arms were up in front of it and you could only see one eye and part of his forehead. Oh well! She did confirm that he is for sure a he though.

We are pretty much prepared at this point. I'm still waiting for our changing table to come in that we bought on April 15. It was only supposed to be back-ordered until the end of May and now they are saying it could be another couple of weeks. I really want to get his clothes put away and the room finished so it's the last piece of the puzzle that is driving me insane. We're ordering a new swing and a few little things this weekend (Amazon gives you an extra 10% off if you create a registry!) but it isn't crucial to have from day 1.

But for now I am trying to appreciate how good I still feel at this point of my last pregnancy. I'm getting a tad anxious about how having two will really all play out. I still don't want to wish it away and I'm attempting to get as much sleep as I can. Unfortunately Carson has been up by 6am every morning, even on weekends, which is no fun at all. He even fell out of his bed at 1:30am this morning because he was so restless and wouldn't stop moving around.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Oh mygoodness- he's almost here!!!