Monday, June 20, 2011

It's the final countdown!

I'm not really sure where this post will go or why it's even in existence.......... I guess I just have a bunch of random thoughts in my head at this point. I thought all along that I would have this baby before my due date since Carson was 8 days late. I assume our children will always keep us on our toes so why wouldn't this dude come super early? I guess I've got a nice comfortable little womb in there though. Today I'm 39w4d so pretty darn close to our due date. Last Wednesday night I was up with my first bout of real painful contractions, but they didn't last. I had a doctor's appt that next morning where I found out I did have some progress (1.5cm, 50% effaced), but nothing else has happened since. I had two semi-contractions while eating dinner last night and that's been it for 5 days. 

We are actually hoping that he comes close to a weekend, like this Thursday or Friday would be perfect! :)  Carl's vacation time doesn't start until July 1 because that's his work anniversary date so we're hoping the two personal days he can take when we have him fall around the weekend. Otherwise he's going to have a pretty tough time going right back to work after a mid-week hospital stay. I've told him that he is more than welcome to come home and sleep here since I think I can handle the nights alone. We are so lucky that Grandma Susan has a ton of vacation time and a flexible work environment so we don't have the added stress of what to do with Carson. She'll hopefully be able to take a few days off to help when he gets home and Carl's vacation time hasn't started yet. I'm honestly more worried about dealing with Carson in the first days than I am the baby!

It may sound a little dramatic to say that I'm afraid of what Carson will do at first, but he can be a real handful. On Friday we were upstairs when my boss called. I had to run downstairs to get on the computer so I let Carson stay up there. I didn't want my boss to hear the wrath of dragging him down the stairs and getting settled. It had been WAY too quiet for this short duration so I was dreading what I'd come up to. Turns out he went in and pulled out an entire bag of Grandma's makeup. It was all over her floor, crushed eyeshadow, black smudges in the carpet, everything. Then he proudly showed me his "purple cheeks!". I eventually found that what he had was a purple lipstain that he drew on his face. He thought it was so cool and that Daddy would be so proud of him. :)
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He does and says so many funny things every single day. I absolutely love watching him learn and grow. He busted out the full alphabet this weekend out of nowhere and will say it to anyone that will listen. The other day he came in the office to find the light shining down through the glass of his desk. He was so excited that there was a rainbow in here and looked at me like a crazy person when I tried to explain it to him. He wanted me to take a picture of it on his feet so he could see it.
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He's constantly riding his bike out in the backyard these days.....and if he gets off at least he keeps his helmet on. :)  Safety first!

He very lovingly helps Daddy rub my feet (aka sausage toes).

He's getting so much better with potty training. And when he's not, he's a diaper box robot.

He helps out Daddy and Daddy's pals with any and everything guy related. He got to take a ride in Justin's tool truck this weekend.

Basically he's just a hoot.

As far as baby stuff goes, I think we are just about all done and ready to go. The changing table finally showed up on Saturday and we found baskets for it yesterday. The crib is all put together, the clothes are put away in the drawers, the swing is all together, the carseat is cleaned and my bags are as packed as they can be at this point. 

My mom and I were at Babies R Us last weekend and found a side-cap of clearance shoes. They had this ONE pair of baby Pumas that were marked down from $29.99 to $3.80. I couldn't resist because they were beyond cute and then when I bought them they actually rang up at $1.85! Totally worth it for his own first pair. We have kind of turned into a Puma family so it seemed fitting. I also got Carson a new pair of Nike's for $6. I had her search out the last size 10 and when we got home they were way too big on him (which is weird since he's almost an 11 in everything else). I went back and bought the 9's too to wear now since they were so dang cheap! I sure love me some clearance items. Here are the Pumas:
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As far as my gear goes I definitely have a favorite. I casually asked my friend Erin about her PPB diaper bag a while ago because I was eying this one online, but hadn't seen one in person. The bag was backordered everywhere so I figured I had time to decide if I wanted to buy it or not. Well, we have awesome friends because Erin & Nick, Megan & Justin and Luke all surprised us and got it for us as a gift. I was so shocked and they really shouldn't have. Not to say that I'm not thrilled! I've had it on my desk staring at me ever since. I decided I don't want to use it until the baby is here so it feel fresh and new for the experience. I am having a serious obsession with gray and yellow right now so this just hits the spot!
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Hopefully the next post will be an introduction! Hey, a girl can dream, right?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Good luck! so exciting!!!