Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Better late than never?

So I closed the last post saying that hopefully the next post would be an introduction. Here we are a week later and guess what this is not.....  Apparently either we'll have two little (late) peas in a pod, I just have an amazingly comfortable uterus or my body doesn't know how to finish out its job. I really never thought we'd be here at five days overdue again after Carson came 8 days late. From everything I have heard it is more common to go over your due date, but I just had a feeling all along that I wouldn't this time. Wishful thinking.

At the doctor's last Thursday I was 4cm dilated and 75% effaced. I wish I didn't know that information because it gave me some false hope. I didn't think you could be that far along for an extended period of time. Last night I finally had a few hours of what I thought was real activity with a lot of pain and then it all stopped. I'm not going to count on anything anymore. The other option is to go in and have them break my water. Luckily I've got enough progress that I wouldn't have to be induced with drugs and breaking my water would undoubtedly get things moving. I already did the whole "schedule your child's birth" thing with Carson though. I realllllllly don't want to do it this time. As crazy as it probably sounds I want to have the experience of waking Carl up and grabbing our bags to head out in a frenzy. You know, like most normal people do. But at this point I only have a couple days of fight left in me before I cave and we just go in.

We've been trying to keep busy, but it is so hard to think about anything else. Sunday was a gorgeous and hot day so it was perfect to go to the pool. My mom had a one piece that fit me and we all headed out. It felt so good at the time in the water, but I couldn't believe how sore I was that night and all of yesterday. I had to go to the store yesterday morning for more Tylenol because I was out and couldn't take it!
Carson has been on a picnic kick so we told him we'd have a pool picnic.
After a good nap we went for a drive to a new area close to us that we had never been to. We had dinner and just explored without getting too far from home. I asked Carl to take what I hoped would be my last belly picture when we got home. You can see that Carson insisted on doing scooter circles around me the whole time.
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As for the little monster, in the last week he has had his ups and downs. He seems to be really excited about the baby coming, but has had some unusual crying episodes too. I'm sure it will be hard on him no matter what. 
I've been trying to get him to say his ABC's forever now and he would always just stare at me. Then all of a sudden one day not too long ago he said Q-Z out of no where. Next thing we know he is busting out the whole thing. He has repeated it day in and day out every since. He says it for anyone that will listen in person, on the phone and even to the grocery checkers.
He made a pine cone bird feeder at daycare a few months ago and had been asking me to make one here. I've never come across any pine cones though. Last week we randomly found two while we were out. He thought it was so much fun to make them and pick where to hang them in our front yard. He showed all his friends. :)
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Other than that he has been so good yesterday and today. He must sense that I need to chill and has been playing without too much incident. He is watching Toy Story on my laptop next to me as we speak. He'll stop what he's doing and come over to kiss and pat my belly. He really can be sweet when he wants to. Yesterday he wanted to nap in our bed and I wasn't going to argue!

After being up from 1:30 to 5:00 this morning and up for the day at 6:00 I can't WAIT for nap time today!!!!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

you look great!!!