Thursday, February 4, 2010

Getting into trouble

I just have a few snapshots to share today. :)

Last week was super hard. The only way I can describe Carson's mood for the ENTIRE week is horrific. He was a bear of a child. He screamed and screamed and screamed so much that by Friday afternoon I just put in my headphones and went about my business. He was "happy" and had anything he could want, but was just in some kind of mood. Add onto that that he wasn't sleeping well at night and I think we got a total of two hours of naps for the week. It was bad.

Luckily this week started off much better. We went to the museum on Monday morning with Erin and little Ava. I decided to try to sit in on toddler story time without great expectations. Sure enough, he didn't prove me wrong. He was "that kid" who had to run away from me and stood right up in front of the lady reading. He then made his way over to her markers and I had to go up in front of everyone and get him. Twice. I know better. We are going to go to the library hopefully tomorrow to just read together instead of trying a group setting like that. He is really getting to where he likes to read books and he will sit on your lap and pay attention. This week I read "The Curious Little Kitten" book to him that was mine as a tot and he has demanded it for every single nap and bedtime since. It's kind of cool to pass it on. :)

I had a big project come up for work on Monday night. I had to work on it non-stop until it was finished which wasn't until 1:30 on Wednesday. I was pooped, but Carson was a trooper. He was a new child compared to last week. He ran and played by himself for most of the time and is still being so funny. 

On Tuesday morning I hear him come clomping through the kitchen in my shoes (you can hear the buckles clang). I look over and he has on two different shoes with the booster seat insert on his head.

This morning we had been playing and I took a minute to come in the office. The next thing I know I can hear some crunching. I jump up to find this:

Note the bucket....he uses anything he can for a step-stool.

We also love to see how often he can turn into "Homer Baby". This is done with black beans:

Other than that not much is going on. Our Mazda started having issues again yesterday like it did last summer. We are hoping it is the alternator again and it will be warrantied. It's always something, right?!?!

Carl had taken on a sort of new position at work about a month or two ago. He has been a team leader or shop manager (not sure of the title), but we didn't know how long it would last because of a lot of changes going on there. He has really liked the job because he doesn't have to try to flag so many hours and does something like make sure all the work is being done in the right time and order (I'm not totally sure). But regardless, he has liked it. Well, he got word today that the guy he replaced is moving up to an advisor position permanently and the new serivce manager asked Carl to accept this position for good. It's a step in the right direction at least. I just want to see him happy! Congrats Babe!

Oh! And we are going back to Carmel in two weeks! We need a break bad so we are very excited. However...this time we are 99% sure we aren't bringing Carson. My mom is up for staying with him so hopefully we are up to leaving him. At first I said let's leave him, then Carl said he can't be away for three whole days, so then we were bringing him. Plus, I felt bad knowing we'd be there wishing he were there experiencing everything with us. We are a family now and that's what you do. Then after the last week I decided he is staying. We will be staying in a brand new rental house with stairs, a fireplace, knickknacks... we will not have a second to sit and relax. Not to mention the fact that I don't think I want my boss to witness what it's really like in my house some days. It's just hard to wrap my head around three whole days away when we've never been apart for more than a few hours. It will be good chance for a refresher for all of us.


The Smith's said...

As hard as it is... LEAVE HIM HOME! He won't remember going when he gets older, and where you know he will be in his environment with someone you trust while you are gone, he probably won't miss you! You guys deserbe "You" time! (I'm not gonna lie though, it is hard!)

The Smith's said...

Yeah, that's supposed to say deserve... not deserbe. I guess I understand AND type 4 year old!
Oh and I will tell Jesse you said hi! We are going to his house for a get together tomorrow night!