Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Park Play

So here is my new post of randomness. I literally take so many pictures that I debate posting them, but then I know I'll regret not having my favorites all here!

On Saturday Carl went into work to help a friend with his truck. Carson and I met him down there for lunch and then wanted to find a park to play at since it was 57 degrees! It was sooooo nice that day. Carl thought he knew of a couple options on the way home and he hit a jackpot. We went to a park around Alameda and Peoria that had tons of stuff for the littler kids. Carson had so much fun and was completely worn out after it all. I just let the boys run and play while I watched with the camera. :)

Carl sent Carson down the tube slide to me upside-down and backwards. This is literally how he stopped at my feet. 

Carson thought he was so cool on the monkey bars.

These two are such pals and partners in crime.

He didn't want to get off the swing this time. Usually he can last 30 seconds and gets a dizzy look.

On Sunday morning the boys went over to our friends' house for a playdate with their doggies. They were out of town and Luke was watching the dogs for them. Carl wanted to go watch football so they went and I got a couple of hours here in silence. It was a great break. Carson came home yelling Kito and Lola so he must have had fun! (those are the dogs' names)

That afternoon Carl was hanging a shelf for me in the bathroom and Carson was right there by his side. At some point Carson tried to squeeze by his dump truck and fell right on his face. His top front teeth went right into his bottom lip. Carl comes running out to the kitchen and Carson is dripping blood everywhere. Poor kid. It looked horrible for the first 2 days with a huge white blister on it.. Now it is still really swollen and just red. I asked him yesterday to show me his owie.

Right now my goal is to take good pictures of his eyes. I am shooting in full manual now and so the thing I have to work on the most is focus. I am getting much better though. Here are some from the last week.

And a cute pic with his pal Monkey the other day in our yard.

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