Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Some of everything

 I have a ton of random stuff and pictures to post (and I have been slacking), so here goes one biggie.

  A couple weekends ago we took Carson to a restaurant called Casa Bonita. People from Utah, it is the original version of The Mayan at Jordan Commons and is always described as the must-do tourist thing. It was snowing one Saturday night and Carson had been couped up all week with his cold so we figured we could eat and play there. It didn't disappoint! So cheesy, horrible food and men in gorilla suits. Awesome.

The reason I am describing this is that we came home with Carson's first light saber. Carl took him to play that night and came back with it. Carson was absolutely in love. In two weeks he has already killed the batteries.

That morning he was being really funny and cracking us up.
He was working on his cup mastery. It's a slow process.

This is what his hair looked like when we got him out of the crib that morning. I love the surprise every morning of what kind of kid we'll find!

This last two weeks have been full of new words too! He has repeated so many things and says a bunch of new things all on his own. Since he has figured out the word apple, that's all he wants. He yells apple all the time and begs for them (we keep them in a bowl on the counter so that doesn't help). He loves trains and says Choo Choo any time he sees one. He has called  my mom Bob and Pat which is hilarious. He can't seem to get Grandma or Grandpa down yet. He started saying "isit" in one noise and pointing, which is him asking What Is It? I wondered when that would start. There are so many that I can't even talk about them all though! He is so much fun!!!

Onto Thanksgiving.......
Our friends Scott and Jeanette and their two kids were here in Colorado staying with Scott's brother for the week. They were up in the mountains so we decided to meet half way for breakfast on Thanksgiving morning. Half way turned out to be Blackhawk and Central City which is CO's casino destination. It was such a cool place! Tons of little and some big & new casinos all built into a mountain pass. Central City was much older and you could feel the history there. We ate at the breakfast buffet at the Isle of Capri.
Luckily the put us back in the corner (I wonder why) and the kids played for quite awhile. When I tried to get a picture of them all sitting together, these were the three I managed. I laughed so hard when I looked at them. How do photographers do it???

For dinner we went to my Uncle Tom's. We got to see my Uncle Chuck who lives in Orem and he is always the life of the party. We had fun seeing everyone and the best part was that I didn't have to cook! Carson only wanted bread and mashed potatoes. He went from loving meat to a total vegetarian. He picks all around meat and if you put any in his mouth he immediately takes it off his tounge and hands it back. He's getting lots of beans and eggs right now!

Carson wasn't into smiling that night, I guess.

I've been making much more of an effort to get us out of the house almost everyday and playing outside a lot more. Carson gets in such a bad mood when he wants to leave. You can't even mention the word shoes around him because he starts gathering our stuff and running around in anticipation. I got a new iPhone last week which helps out more than I ever thought. I always feel so tied to the house, but now I can sneak away every day and still know what is going on at work.

He is morphing into a little boy right before our eyes.

I asked my mom to get us a family pass to the Children's Museum for all of our Christmas present. We have so much fun there and I can't wait to go all the time! We discovered the 0-4yo section which is awesome because he doesn't get bowled over.

His new thing this week is taking off all his clothes and his diaper. This was the first day he did it in his crib, zipper down, diaper down..... Two days ago I went in to get him and he was laying in the crib, zipper down, diaper off and poop all over his legs. Luckily I got to him before he got it anywhere else, but it was horrible. He is in onesies 24/7 right now, even under his pajamas!

We were at Wahoo's the other night having dinner and he wanted the limes. It's so funny that babies like them! He didn't used to make faces, but he sure was this time.

That night while we were eating he started signing MORE correctly! He has always signed it when we asked him if he wanted more, but he did it wrong. We've tried to teach him you bump your finger tips together and he always has pointed to his palm. We were sitting there and he wouldn't eat anything. Out of nowhere he must have realized he was hungry and started signing more. He really did want more so it was awesome!
I caught a quick video of his signing MORE and ALL DONE.

I came across this picture I took and it seemed very fitting. Carl lost his wedding ring last night in grand fashion for the second time....and found it for the second time. His ring is tungsten so it can't be resized and it is too big for him now that he has lost weight.
The first time was last summer while up fourwheeling with Scott in the mountains. He was sliding down a big hill, it slipped off and he didn't realize until he got home that night. He knew exactly when it had to have happened and where to look. They headed back up early the next morning and somehow came back with it. 
Last night I knew when he left work and wondered why he was taking so long.  He was driving home with his hand hanging out the window, got about a 1/2 mile from our house and felt his ring slip off. He heard it his the road and couldn't believe what had happened. He walked up and down the road and gutters and after 30 minutes saw it shine by a weed in the dirt.
We are definitely going to get him something to tighten the ring ASAP!


The Smith's said...

Holy cow... Carson is getting so big! Almost time for another...?

Tara- said...

So so cute! they grow so fast dont they? FYI: just a little funny the other day my kiddos were eating Ravioli's and I totally thought of you! :) hahaha good old days