Friday, December 18, 2009

Photo Friday

Happy Friday to Everyone!!!

In honor of this glorious day, I thought I'd just post some randomness.

I caught Carson playing and reading by himself the other morning and finally got some of his talking/noises on film. He can say so many animal names and sounds now so it makes reading a whole new experience! And he loves Elmo now, much to my detest. So my mom came home with this Elmo book which he now loves. Enjoy a little taste:

Just for fun, I thought I'd share our other children (they actually sat still for long enough so I could snap some shots this week!). Yes, we have 3 cats which some people act like we have a zoo. And yes, we can tell the two black ones apart. :)  I don't take many pictures of them because they are literally SO hard to photograph. Now that I know more about my camera I can get decent pictures, but for years they have just looked like black blobs with glowing eyes on film.

This is Spooky, the one that our guests don't believe exists:

He has always been pure black, except for the white tufts of whiskers in his ears, on his chest, under his little kitty armpits and on his belly. He is like a scared little old man.

This is Sophie, our troublemaker. Who has to lock their bedroom door at night so their cat doesn't break in and play with nail polish? This girl.

My mom usually leaves the box from whatever shoes she wear that day laying on her bed. This is wear Sophie sleeps most of the time.

And last but not least, my old lady, Lily. I've had her since I was in 7th grade. She is by far the noisiest cat you can ever meet, but she is a sweetheart. Most of the time that I am on the computer she is right behind me curled up in the chair.
I just got one of her baking in the sun the other day:

Finally, I'd be doing a disservice if I didn't share this cuteness. 
Our next door neighbors asked me if I'd shoot some Christmas shots of their 4-month-old son, Cole. I was more than willing to shoot such a cutie who actually holds still!!!
We took lots of pictures, but here are a few of my favorites. Look at his huge brown eyes. I told them this was a new experience for me because literally every person I've ever shot has blue eyes and everyone in my family does too. They are gorgeous!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I have never seen your cats, so adorable. Now you can add photographer to your long list of talents. Your amazing!