Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas 2009

I hope everyone had a great and Merry Christmas this year! We couldn't have had more fun watching Carson. Carl brought him down in the morning, covered his eyes and set him down in the middle of the living room. I got new shelves for toy storage and that was the first thing he saw. He went right for his old toys because they weren't in a basket anymore. We had to keep showing him there were new things for him, it was like he had tunnel vision. He seriously lit up when he saw each new thing though. It was so cool to watch. So far he absolutely loves all his new stuff and so do we. The big things he got were a CAT ride-on dump truck, a car and train table and a play kitchen. It actually feels like we have a real play area now!

Of course, I took about eleventy billion pictures so I'll just give you the Cliff's Notes. 

Checking out the new ride.

Using his toys for evil, not good.

What's the big deal? I've got this.

The kitchen was something I really wanted him to have. Great Grandma and Grandpa Stonehocker ended up getting this for him along with a huge stock of play food. 
Of course he went straight for the phone.

I still can't figure out if this is a taco, an omelet ?????

He got lost for a minute. :)  The food has not spent much time actually in the drawers so far.

This table is so awesome. None of track is removable so he can't make a big mess. One of Carl's friends at work is a huge Hot Wheels collector and has lots of extras. Carl asked him if we could have some of his duplicate cars and he brought us 30 of them! I didn't know if Carson would like them, but that are perfect. They go so fast around the track and Carson has been carrying them around for days now. His favorite is purple with green skulls on it...

In my family we have always gotten new pj's on Christmas Eve. For as much as I love Carson's footie pajamas, I may love this big-boy style even more. He had monkey slippers to match and the top kept getting caught in his diaper. It was an adorable detail to me.

I got him this cup because he is obsessed with ours. He drank so much water from it with it pressed against his face that he had this perma-mark on his cheeks and forehead for quite a while. He makes me laugh so hard. And in this picture I asked him to look at me and smile and he really did! It was the first time and he looks so cheesy.

We got one picture as a family when I tried out our self-timer. I forget we can do this and it sure isn't easy! The picture isn't perfect, but much better than nothing!

Love. Him.

Other than that, we just pigged out on ham and potatoes and watched lots of movies. I'm really excited to have another 3-day weekend for us to spend together!
We are just staying in tonight and watching more movies since we're old now. :) Thank goodness for Netflix!!!

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