Thursday, December 3, 2009

How could I forget?

I completely spaced that Carson has said two very cool things too!

He has started to say MILK and actually comes to me to ask for his milk. It is freaking awesome to have him verbalize something he wants all the time instead of just whining at my feet. He says, "Mel!" which is so cute.

The other thing he says is PEE PEE and POO POO. That might not seem like much, but I've been waiting for signs that he was ready to start practicing on his potty and this is the first step. He totally discovered his pee pee and tells me all about it any time it's out. :) Then the other night he was standing in the corner in the kitchen. I asked him what he was doing, he pointed to his diaper and said pee pee. I asked him if he made a pee pee or poo poo and he yelled poo poo. Sure enough, by the time we got upstairs he had gone poo! (This feels so weird to type out...) We were so proud of him! HaHa

And here's a cute video of him playing at the museum on Tuesday:

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