Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our 3rd Anniversary

Yesterday was already our 3rd wedding anniversary! Time sure does fly by! My dad flew into Denver yesterday morning to spend the weekend with us so we are playing and having fun (he is acutally doing a lot of sleeping too, but that's what vacation is for...).

We all went out to dinner last night to celebrate. I have been looking for a good Mexican restaurant since we moved here, especially because that was all I wanted to eat when I was pregnant. I found one that seemed like it may have potential, found a great discount gift cert online and off we went. We all had so much food and it was ridiculously cheap and tasty! It was exactly what we were looking for all along. It was happy hour and I had the $25 off coupon so our entire bill for 5 people was only $29. Hay-oh! So awesome.

I haven't posted anything for awhile because all I do anymore is keep Carson from killing himself. By the time he does something funny I am saving him instead of grabbing the camera. Last weekend he was having a little too much fun playing all day with his daddy. He refused his afternoon nap on Sunday so by dinner time he CRASHED in the highchair.
-Doesn't this look so funny with his "tough" bib? :)

We are trying to decide what we want to do for the 4th. I am so excited for Carson to see the fireworks since he will be old enough this year. The only problem is he is usually asleep by 8:00 so we'll see how it works out.


The Smith's said...

Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe it's been 3 years already either! Carson is too cute in his tough bib sleeping... Good luck with the fireworks!

Tara- said...

How is Rick? Happy Anniversary!!! hope you guys had fun :) tell everyone hello!!!