Tuesday, July 28, 2009


We may not be in Utah anymore, but we still took off for the 24th. :) I guess it's in our blood.

No, really we wanted to meet our good friends from SLC, Scott and Jeanette, and the 24th ended up being the best weekend to go to Moab for everyone. They have two little kids and they haven't gotten to see Carson since he was about 5 months old.

We had a really crazy weekend and everything didn't go exactly as planned, but we all had fun still. We drove out early on Friday morning and got there in the early afternoon. We rented a 3bd/2ba condo so we had plenty of room to spread out. We grilled Friday night, made breakfast Saturday morning, and had lunch at Moab Brewery which was pretty tasty (although nowhere as good as RedRock.....I might be biased).

Their youngest, Connor, just turned 2 this week and is a ball of energy. When Jeanette told me he probably wouldn't be bigger than Carson I didn't believe her. But...they were about the same size and Carson looked pretty chubby next to him. Connor is just naturally a little kid so far, but they had a ton of fun playing together.

This kitchen drawer proved to be the biggest toychest in the place.


And kisses.

Carson was too wound up to nap on Saturday morning so by the evening he was seriously a bear. Carl and I took him out for a walk to get him out and calm him down. This is one of the only other pictures I took. I was REALLY bad about the camera on this trip.

So everything was great up until Saturday afternoon. We were getting the kids down for naps while the guys were out driving. Next thing I know the doorbell is ringing like crazy. I open the door to see a Moab Sheriff and some irate man running at me screaming. Apparently Scott had parked in front of this guy's garage and it was the straw that broke his back. He had brought his friend to tow the car and we scrambled to get it moved with the guys gone with the keys. The sheriff was so nice though and told the guy if he didn't leave me alone he would arrest him. Jeanette got a hold of Scott and found out the keys were in the car so everything was handled fine. It was quite the shocker since I had just sat down on the couch for about 3 mintues to relax. We were awake after that! (And so were the kids, unfortunately.)

That night we got the kids down and started watching a movie. About 30 minutes into it, their daughter Peyton threw up all over in her bed. It took them close to an hour to get it all cleaned up! By that time we went to bed, but Peyton and Connor kept getting worse. They decided at 1am that they had to pack up and go because they were so sick. They also don't have air in their Land Cruiser so the thought of the drive the next day in 100 degrees was not a good idea.

We got all packed up and were on the road by 9:30 Sunday. The drive to Moab took just under 6 hours........the drive home took 10 hours!!!
It. Was. Miserable.
We hit two separate HUGE accidents and the normal traffic on I70 to Denver. The bad part was that Carl had a flight to catch that night to head to training and we were seriously nervous that we wouldn't make it. He had just enough time to pack new clothes and run. He was so bummed because we originally thought he would have time to play with Carson before leaving for a week.

Carson could not have been any better in the car though. I am a firm believer in keeping kids rear-facing in their car seats until at least two years, but I let Carl turn him for this trip. Boy am I glad! I really don't know what I would have done for the 4 hours we were STOPPED in traffic without being able to keep him entertained and fed. I get really carsick in the backseat so that is never an option for me. Plus, about 30 minutes away from home he was chewing on his finger because he is teething, gagged himself and puked cheesy nastiness all over himself. I wouldn't have been able to clean that up either.

Here is the picture of Carson from the trip.

Peyton, 3

Connor, 2

So now Daddy is gone all week and we're still recovering. Carson has been in a bad mood for 2 days and isn't sleeping well. He has had a low-grade fever and his nose is seriously dripping down his face, which has never happened before. We have his 15-month doctor appt. today so I can make sure it is just his teeth. We still have 3 molars to go and I can't wait!!!!!!!

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