Monday, June 1, 2009

Carson's 1st trip to the pool!

We took Carson swimming for the first time yesterday! We didn't take him last year because he was still so little...I couldn't even find a swim diaper that was small enough back then! I had high hopes that he would like it and he seemed to LOVE it. I got him his outfit and a nice baby raft for his birthday. It was funny because his shirt fit him perfect and his shorts looked huge! They are both 12-18 month size, but for some reason pants and shorts in this size are still way too big. Oh well. The swim clothes for kids are awesome now-a-days...they have SPF 50 built right in. You know if he is my child he needs SPF 1,000,000 so I'll take any extra help we can get!

Man, he really is freaking adorable.

He will never leave a hat on either so this one worked great because it has a strap for under his chin. I stopped at Children's Place on Saturday and got the only sunglasses they had in his size. They were a little goofy looking, but he left them on the whole time!

We all got in the pool at the same time so I didn't get any pictures of him actually swimming. Once we got out it started to get windy so we were a little to cold to get back in. It was tricky to time it between his naps and lunch etc. so we just went home after about 2 hours. I'm sure we'll have many more swimming pictures in the future.

We have had a lot of drama lately with our HOA. Having an HOA was a totally new thing to us when we got out here to Colorado. If you own a home in a subdivision built after the late 90s here, you don't have a choice but to be a member and pay your HOA dues. We weren't very happy about it at first, but we always said, "at least we get a neighborhood pool." Our community is 3 subdivisions that make up one big neighborhood and there are 3 separate pools for each one. We got word about 2 weeks ago that our board decided they weren't going to open our pool this year because it was costing them too much money. Our subdivision was supposed to have around 900 homes and there are currently 74 with no current plans for more any time soon. But that isn't our fault and we are all really upset since we pay what we feel is a lot of money to have the priviledge.

However, they made a deal with one of the other subdivisions that we could use their pool. It is only about a mile up the road so it isn't a big deal. We liked our pool because it was always empty and you had plenty of room to spread out. But it was actually nice to have more people yesterday because there were kids for Carson to "play" with. He watched them all day long and you could tell he just wanted to jump right in with them. They were all a little older, but it will be a good thing in the end.


The Smith's said...

haha... what a stud! I think swim trunks must be mismarked all around, cause Kaestin wore a pair of 18-24 month ones on the boat yesterday and he's 3 1/2!!!

Tara- said...

Cute Cute!!! hope you had fun :)

Three Peas said...

OMG! That's the funniest swimsuit EVER!!! I've been laughing so hard I'm crying for the last five minutes!!!