Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 2009

We had a great Memorial Day weekend! I hope all of you did too!

Saturday was UFC night. We had our friends over and BBQ'd before the fights. Somehow I never end up with pictures of anyone except Carson....I must have a one-track mind! Our friends Megan and Justin gave Carson this onesie a little while ago and he is just now able to fit into it. It was very fitting for the occasion. We are all HUGE fans of The Office. Carson was interested in actually putting shoes on his feet for the first time too.

Then I realized he could totally handle corn on the cob now. It hadn't occurred to me earlier, but knowing what damage he can do with his beaver teeth, I figured he do fine. Let's just say he loved it! He has finished his own whole cob for 3 nights in a row now.

Then on Sunday we all decided to take a trip up to Georgetown in the mountains to go four-wheeling. There were 12 people and two pooches between 5 SUVs (including Justin's BMW X5...he got a few funny looks!). We met for breakfast at 7am and were up on the mountain bright and early.

This is the view of the actual little town of Georgetown on the way up to the trail. It was an old mining town in the 1800's and is so old and quaint. You definitely take a trip back in time in places like this!

The views were awesome! We went up Argentine Pass which gets up to over 13,000 feet. You can see that the weather looked the same on the way up as it did down below...

When we got up there we were up above the tree line. It was ridiculously cold! The girls didn't expect it and let's just say we weren't completely dressed to the weather. I definitely would have brought a hat and gloves for Carson too if I'd known. Carl said I should have known because the guys were talking about a snowball fight the night before, but I thought they were kidding...oh well!

These are Megan and Justin's doggies, Lola (left) and Kito (right). They are so dang cute and fun to have around. They ran so hard and for so long that they both crashed in the car afterward just like little kids. :) It always takes Carson a little while to warm up to them though. It seems like he cries every time he sees them at first and then he is okay. Kito likes to lick his face and it freaks him out, we think it's hilarious!

What wind??? Didn't you know the peacock mohawk is the new style?

This is the before shot of Carson playing with the dogs' water bowl and then their ball thrower-thingy.

This is the after, once we had to take them away.

And in true guy fashion, they had their snowboards with them just in case. Our friend Miles took two runs down this snow drift way up on the mountain. He had fun, but had to sit in wet jeans for the rest of the time. :)

Then we drove part of the way back down the trail and pulled over in a nice nook. We all brought snacks, drink and stuff for sandwiches and made a little buffet in the backs of the cars. By this time it started raining so they opened all the hatches and backed the SUVs all together. We we all in a little fort in the cars in the rain listening to reggae by request. It was so cool to just be up in the mountains with good food and your friends. We had a really good day - thanks to everyone for coming along for the ride!!! :)

Monday was really casual. Carl made me go see Terminator Salvation with him. I am so not a fan of this type of movie, but it wasn't bad. It was actually really intense. And thanks to Grandma Susan for watching Carson so we could have a little break!

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