Friday, May 8, 2009

New Monkey Tales

So, where do I start. Carson is pretty much a monster right now. He has figured out how to climb on the couches and gets up on the side tables. We can't leave a single drink or anything out because he goes full on tractor-beam to it. He has fallen off many times and luckily hasn't gotten hurt yet - that's a pretty far fall! At least I convinced Carl it was time to put the coffee table away for awhile. This is definitely making it pretty impossible for me to get any work done. Before this started he would have time when he would like to play by himself for awhile and I could sneak away for 5 or 10 minutes. Now I don't trust him AT ALL and I can only work during naps or while he is in the high chair. If we let him out in the main living area he literally runs around like a tornado. You can see him already thinking of what else to grab as he is pulling things down from everywhere. We got the kitchen cabinets baby-proofed, but he still can do a lot of damage in the office and pulls out garbage, etc. What.A.Handful! All we can do is laugh though.

I grabbed the camera here when I saw him climb up: (excuse the mess....I let him do what he wants in the living room and pick up at the end of the day! He also hates pillows to stay on the couches....)

And here he really tries to give me a heart attack!:

He has started to say a couple "words". He says "dadu" a lot, but we aren't sure what that one means. He says "Ought Oh!" when he drops things and "Wow!" anytime he likes something or someone else says it. But his favorite is "naner". This means food or more specifically, banana. I always call bananas "naners" to him and he will yell naner anytime he is hungry or he sees a banana. I really think he would eat a banana for every single meal if I let him. :)

Here was some naner talk from yesterday:

And we now offically have 8 teeth!!! For over a month now he has been getting in the four around the front four he had already. They seem to all be nice and grown in now though (except for maybe one that has a little more to go). You can see them in the next video posted here. Oh, and he chipped his front top tooth a few weeks ago. Nice, huh? It happened on some random fall and I noticed immediately that the bottom corner was missing.

His laugh is pretty much the cutest and most heart-melting thing I have ever heard. He has been doing a fake laugh though. If we are laughing he will imitate us and laugh out loud, but it is obviously really forced which makes us laugh that much harder.

Here is the fake laughing and his cute wave:

Here is the REAL laughing:

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

OH man, he has already learned how to ignore you!! It only gets worse! It's a good thing he's cute, huh? That's what we always tell Kaestin! Oh and I love his little wave, just about the cutest thing I've ever seen!!