Thursday, April 23, 2009

1 Year Pictures and Dr. Appt.

Thankfully this is the last time I have to take these pictures! The funny thing is that this is the best he did in a LONG time! He just sat there and smiled.

After such a long day I realized that we hadn't taken his monthly pictures yet. We plopped him down in the chair after his bath with his PJs on and luckily he was cooperative. I thought he would be grouchy and tired, but I think he was on a sugar high after that cupcake!

Yesterday we had his 1 year well care appointment with the pediatrician. Everything is still going great! He is still on the exact same track as the last few times...

50th % for height at 29 3/4 inches
25th % for weight at 20 lb 10.5 oz

Luckily I found a great doctor and he is very supportive of our parenting style and choices. This time Carson was afraid of him when he first came in the room; he has been really shy around strangers lately. The doc blew up a glove like a balloon and gave it to him as a peace offering. After awhile Carson started playing with it and he bit a hole right in the tip of the finger. The air started shooting out in his face and he started bawling! It was honestly one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time! :)

1 comment:

Three Peas said...

He looks so proud that he's 1!!! Congrats on surviving the last year! Only 17 more where you're legally responsible for what he does. ;)