Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Carson, Meet the Pavement...

So, I won't say we have the most graceful child in the world. I really hope that he doesn't keep up this lack of coordination for the rest of his life (I know what it is like). On Saturday Grandma Susan offered to watch Carson because Carl and I were going up to Evergreen for our friends' wedding. They were playing outside with his new shoes on and he fell and scraped both of his knees for the first time. I didn't think much of it at the time.

Then we go to Sunday morning. Carl was working on the car and I was watching Carson run around in the drive way. The combo of his shoes being a little more bulky than his last ones and his heavy head still leading the way when walking adds up to a bad situation. He started running, his top half got ahead of his feet, he fell straight forward on the pavement, put his arms behind him and kissed the ground with his face.

His forehead didn't bleed, but his nose sure did. This first picture was right after it happened when it was just all really red and raw:

And this one was yesterday after it has all scabbed over. Poor little guy :( He has a bandaid on it right now that looks hilarious.

The big story around here on Sunday was the tornado. My mom said she thought she heard a tornado siren around 1pm, but we thought she was crazy since we didn't hear it. Carl was talking to Christy and told her how nice and sunny it was about that time. Literally 5 minutes later the sky was black and it started pouring.

Around 2pm we heard that there was a funnel cloud at Southlands Mall which is where we do the majority of ALL our shopping. It is about 10 miles south of our house. The funnel cloud turned into a tornado and did some real damage to homes, the brand new Lowes that has only been open a month or so, and a car was thrown into the pizza restaurant. Scary!!! Everyone here tells us we "live in Kansas", but we haven't had to deal with tornadoes just yet. Welcome to Coloransas?? On any given Sunday you would find us at Southlands, but for some reason we decided to stay home that day. I am VERY glad!

Southlands is a really new area so I'm sure it will really hurt some of the businesses there. Check out this quick video of some of the damage - turn down the sound if you are at work...

And I would just like to close with......

Teething can bite me.

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

Oh man, poor little guy! Having boys is scary, they are fearless, I am dreading the day I have to deal with broken bones!!
We totally saw that on the news and I was like "UM... isn't that where Carl & Rachael live?"