Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy 2nd birthday to Max

This is seriously a bittersweet post. I can't believe how fast the last two years have gone by. I know everyone says that, but it is so true. It's crazy how it always seems like you can't remember life without them once they're here. Max is my "Baby Bug". He has so much personality and is a total mama's boy. Carl laughs at me for giving him a "Ron Burgandy hairdo", but I absolutely adore his curls. Carson has always had the buzz or a mohawk, but I couldn't imagine Max with a short cut. His little body still has the softest little rolls. I could, and do, kiss attack him all day long. He doesn't know as many words as I'd hoped right now, but boy does he know Mama, Mommy and Mom. He is a total charmer and gets so much attention when we're out of the house. His eyes are piercing and his laugh is infectious. He's still a total klutz and super uncoordinated, but he's getting better everyday. He started off through his first birthday as a little angel and quickly morphed into a terror. That is a good thing though. Most days. He is obsessed with Bubble Guppies, the color blue, trains (or "doo doo"s as he calls them), cats (which he calls "meows") and all things BMW (which is "Daddy wheel!" in Max speak). He'll stay outside all day long if you let him, just like big brother and you can often find him yelling "Shoes!" around the house to let me know of his plans. He will eat any and everything, except for chicken nuggets and cottage cheese. Really, he eats every single vegetable, including stealing lettuce out of my salads with his hands and running off. He's just really started to discover giving big kisses and hugs and we don't get punched quite as often at the request. He recently found out how fun it is to be naked, so there's that. Lately he'll give me a certain look and I see me. I never thought I'd have that in a boy, especially since Carson is Carl's little clone. And all around he is such a joy to have in our life. I can't ever imagine another day in this world without our boys.

Happy birthday to my oh so handsome big baby.

I have this photo on the left framed from the day Max turned 9 months. Something about it always strikes me because you can really see his softness and his chubbiness. I wanted to do a reshoot of it now and I am taken back at the difference. He looks like such a big boy now!  :) and :(   (and I've learned a lot more about lighting since then...LOL)

Carson refused to get in with him for a photo, but happily offered to take some. I'm so proud of him for taking an interest a little in my passion too. He is obsessed with what Daddy does and I often get left out of that part. I have to remind him often that I do work too! Max didn't want to cooperate, but with Carson's skill level I'll definitely take these any day.

That's one awkward kiss. :)

This was from earlier in the week. I thought I could get a quick shower in before it was his nap time and he fell asleep on his little couch before I was done. Sleep in the light always equals photo op!

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