Thursday, July 28, 2011

Max's Newborn Photos

I know it may sound a little crazy, but I wanted to wait until our birth announcements went out to post all of Max's photos. I have the majority of everything ready to post though. I'm going to try and make some sense of how to put stuff in groups, but there will probably be a lot of random photo posts in the days to come.

Tomorrow Max is officially 1 month old. I'm pretty sure that I blinked and July fell of the face of the planet. It has been such a fast and amazing month for us. I took these photos in the first week that Max was home. He was big-ish to start with, but he's already growing like crazy. I was really hoping to get some photos of him on his belly, but he was not having it. You'll see he loves his fists up by his face though. And really, can you deny those lips???

Here is our adorable little 80-year-old-looking newborn babe, Max.

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Max's tiny fingers make Carson's hands look so big.
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