Thursday, July 21, 2011

Max's Birth: Part 2

Slowly but surely I am getting through all the photos I've taken in the last 3 weeks. Our little (big) guy turned 3 weeks old yesterday...somehow. These days have just flown by. On one hand I feel like I should still be pregnant and on the other it is like Max has been in our lives forever. I feel so bad and guilty for questioning my potential love for him in the early pregnancy days. I just couldn't imagine having two kids since it felt like Carson was my one and only. Again, I think being an only child has a lot to do with that. But my heart has managed to more than double. Max is like a new extension of me. There are times I feel like we are literally magnetic and I can't bear to let him leave my arms. I could (and sometimes do) spend all of my days just staring at him. It's amazing how much he looks like Carson as a newborn. He's already fitting into some of Carson's 0-3 month outfits instead of newborn sizes. I can't wait to do photo comparisons!

Anyway, here are some photos of the rest of the hospital stay. We were very lucky that everything was good and we were healthy so we only had to stay one night. We were beyond ready to get out of that uncomfortable room as soon as we possibly could. With Carson I wanted all the time I could get to soak up information and help. This time I didn't really have anything new to learn so I just wanted to be with our family at home. We are very fortunate to have my mom here to watch Carson. She was able to take the days off while we were gone to stay with him. She brought him up to the hospital the morning that Max was born. We didn't know what he would think about him. But from the first minute he saw him until now he is totally in love too. Lets just say that Max has had his fair share of slimy toddler kisses in his short little life so far! I was still pretty numb from the epidural until early afternoon so I shot their first meeting from the bed. :)

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 Our little froggy. He still has his legs pulled up like this, but is slowly now starting to stretch out.
You can also see his birthmark on his right knee. I've never found one on Carson so I wasn't expecting it. The nurse pointed it out to me right after he was born.
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Carl wasn't too comfortable on the joke of a couch/bed and I was running on a ridiculously small amount of sleep for the week. We were both pretty pooped by day 2! Max was nice and sleepy on his daddy though.
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Time to go home! I put Max in my favorite newborn outfit of Carson's. He outgrew it really fast and I regretted not buying it in a larger size. I love that I get to put Max in some of the clothes that I loved so much and didn't get enough time with!
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