Thursday, July 14, 2011

Max's 2 week check-up

We had Max's 2 week appointment today. The nice part about being with Kaiser now is that they send a nurse to your house when you get home from the hospital so you don't have to take them out at 2-3 days old. He was born on Wednesday morning weighing 7lb 15oz. When we had his nurse visit on Friday he was down to 7lb 5oz. This is okay because it was 7% decrease and that's the highest number they want to see. I'm sure part it was that my milk didn't come in until about Sunday, even though he was still getting food at that point. So far, from what I can tell, he has been a great eater. He sleeps all day and I usually have to wake him up every 2.5-3 hours to try and get him to eat. I'll change his diaper and try to wake him up, but he often crashes after just a few minutes. He's sleeping great at night so I just do all I can to get him tanked up during the day.

Well, today he is 2 weeks and 1 day old. He got on the scale and weighed in at a whopping 8lb 10oz! This was awesome to see because it tells me he really is eating, even if it's in little sleepy spurts. He had gained a 1/2 inch in length and 1/4 inch on his head as well. Everything else way great and there were no obvious concerns.

Overall we cannot believe what an amazing baby and experience we are having with Max. We don't want to give Carson a complex, but these two boys are total night and day so far. Max is calm and he SLEEPS! The story of Carson's first year was that he never ever slept. It was torture and I felt like a zombie. I have a feeling this time it is part his nature and part my attitude and lack of anxiety. I admit I was a nervous wreck with Carson and his temperament just made it 100 times worse. I don't feel nervous with Max or scared if he starts to cry. I'm a seasoned vet at this point. :)  

He is still really curled up with his knees at his belly and his feet turned up. He loves his hands in fists right up by his face. I could tell this was his exact position in my belly and so we aren't surprised to see this is how he is outside too. The only time he really cries is if you make him wait to long to eat. Other than that he just kind of lets out a little yell. We laugh that he sounds like Count Dracula when he really cries. Carson just cried and cried for the first few months of his life straight, or at least it felt like it, no matter what we did. It is a welcome change to have a baby that we can snuggle with and he's totally content. His eyes are super dark blue right now. But he sleeps so much that when he's awake it's an event! He has the best puffy little lips just like Carson did, round little ears and an actual innie belly button. His cord stump fell off on Sunday. He barks like a small dog when he's falling asleep along with open eyes that rolls back in his head.

Next issue, I seriously have a problem in the photo department. I have taken A LOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT of photos. I am going to be processing them for a while. I am close to being done with the second half of the hospital ones and then I have his real shoot, a family shoot and so many candids. It has been hard finding time to sit at the computer with both boys and still trying to do my real job!
I pulled this one this morning so I have something new to share. Enjoy our tiny babe.

IMG_6657 famblog

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