Monday, February 21, 2011

Stop. Blogger time.

We've had a lot of randomness going on...nothing too exciting to write home about. On Saturday it was a gorgeous day (65 degrees!) so we decided to take a last minute drive up to Evergreen. We have only driven through this little town on our way to our pals' wedding and I have wanted to come back. It is actually one of the closest mountain towns to go to so it was an easy drive. Man do I love being up there! Carson's joy came in the form of a nice day and a playground. The snow is finally melted off of everything so he was going crazy. He threw quite the protest when we actually had to get back in the car and leave. Give him a slide and he's content for hours!
On a side note......I have been wanting to paint him a shirt for a few weeks. I asked him what he wanted on it and his response was "a hammer!". There was only one way to go (and it turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself). Don't forget about the end of THIS post!

Other than that, just more of the same. 
Here is a cute video of Carson playing Wii with Dustin. This incredibly annoying game Dustin is stuck on works for Carson because he just has to push every button and his character jumps all around (not that he watches the screen much). He thinks he wins EVERY game he plays, but it's cute to see him so excited.
A couple weekends ago the Jazz were in town to play the Thuggets. Ugh, I do not like that team. I cannot wait to plan a trip out to Utah and take our boys to a game in Salt Lake. The energy was so lame at the Pepsi Center. Anyways, at the last minute we decided to find some tickets since it was on a Friday night so Carl, myself and our date-buddy Luke went to the game. I can call Luke that because the three of us have been on so many "dates" in the last seven+ years that I can't even count. haha Plus it was Luke's first pro sporting event ever! We also ended up getting to see Sloan's second-to-last win as Jazz head coach. That's just bittersweet. At the game we were saying there is no way he's ever going out unless it's from a stroke right there on the court.
We did get a single cell phone pic!
Now we have a trip to Carmel in three weeks to look forward to. I am counting hours, not days at this point! The baby is getting more active every day. I have had a little bit of an issue with my lower back already and lots of really low pains/pressure. This weekend I felt real kicks on the upper and outside parts of my belly instead of only internal and low parts. Carl got to feel a kick of the first time the other night too. I hope I can hang for four days of walking around! Luckily we'll have a car so I can guilt the boys into driving everywhere. :)  The worst part is that last year my favorite things were the espresso machine at the house and the local cheese shop. I won't be able to do either of these! Boo.

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