Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's a boy!

Luckily we didn't have any closures or anything to deal with yesterday and made it to the appt just fine. It was definitely one of the best days I've had in a while. The good part is even if it isn't your first child, seeing them in their glory never ever gets old.
When we had Carson's ultrasound at this point he literally slept through the whole thing. The tech kept shaking my stomach trying to get him to move and she had a hard time seeing everything. Well, this guy, not him. He looked like it was Dance Party USA up in there. He was rolling and stretching and it looked like he was trying to jump somehow. This in turn made it look like my stomach was jumping. That was the cool part since it was our first real outside movements and Carl got to see and feel them. I thought that I'd be able to feel movement much sooner this time around and was wondering why I hadn't. I got the answer....I have an anterior placenta again which means my placenta is attached right in the front and blocks the small movements that normally I'd already feel if it were in a different place. 

Anyway, everyone (including Carl) thought this one would be a girl. I had been leaning more towards boy, but really didn't care either way. I was just so happy to be there to see that everything was ship shape. Once again like with Carson the tech put the first view right on the bum and I yelled, "it's a boy!". Carl looked at me like "WHAT?" and the tech was really hesitant to agree. She moved it over a little and sure enough said I was right in what I saw. I'm so excited to have two little boys. At first I thought I might be disappointed or sad either way it turned out, but I'm not at all. I thought I'd bawl my way through the appointment and instead I couldn't stop smiling. There isn't a better sight to see!
I snapped a few shot of the print outs with my phone to share (the prints weren't nearly as clear as seeing it on the screen).
This is the profile with his fist in front of his mouth:

The little tootsies:

And the money shot: :)

In the afternoon I actually got to take a nap with Carson. Heavenly at this point! Then to make it even better Carl brought home something from my 3 boys:

For ten years now I've told Carl I love flowers, but would rather not have them at all if they only come at Valentine's Day or Mother's Day. I don't want flowers because someone else tells him it's time. They mean so much more if they come out of the blue and just because he wanted me to have them. These were such a welcome surprise. I think I'll keep him.
And no, we have zero names picked out. I didn't even want to think about it until I knew if it was a boy or a girl. Now the work begins!

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

AHHH!! 2 boys! Congrats... they are so much fun!