Thursday, March 3, 2011

24 week update

Yesterday was my 24 week appointment. I was freaking out a little about the weigh-in because last time she lectured me for only gaining 5 pounds and I knew I had gained plenty this time. Luckily I came in right where I am supposed to be so it wasn't a big deal. I need to stay off my home scale!

The baby was kicking away and had a heartbeat of 140, which is the same as Carson always had. All our genetic testing and ultrasound results came back totally normal. That's always good to hear even if it isn't foolproof. The baby is so low again too! When the doctor was trying to find the heartbeat yesterday she was looking around my bellybutton. I told her to try lower, which she reluctantly did, and then was really surprised how she got the resutls. I measured right at 24 weeks and the baby measured one day ahead of the due date at the ultrasound. Everything is good so far!

I have had some really intense pains this time around still, but everyone assures me it's "normal". Maybe so, but it is annoying nonetheless. The new fun thing is that for a couple weeks my left leg and ankle have been going numb. It seems to be getting more frequent and lasting longer too. Obviously the doc said something is being pinched in my lower back, but didn't have any real advice. She said I might be able to try physical therapy which I hadn't though of. The back of my thigh goes totally numb and then my ankle feels like when your foot falls asleep and is coming out of it. It hurts and tingles at the same time. I've tried exercise, stretching, walking etc. and nothing has seemed to help. At least it's just an annoyance right now and nothing that is threatening to the pregnancy. My back hasn't been too bad so far so I'm trying to stay positive.

I keep forgetting to have Carl take my picture so a couple times I've tried to do it myself. Better than nothing, right? I'm pretty sure he is popping out a little more in the last week or so because the upper part is starting to catch up. I had to go grab a few maternity t-shirts the other day because my normal shirts were too short all of a sudden! I think I might have to shelve this dress for now.....the buttons won't be laying flat for much longer.

23 weeks

A masterpiece, right?!?! hehe
24 weeks

My crafting bug is really kicking in now. Since now I have a real reason to make some stuff I've been having fun. With Carson I didn't have to buy hardly any clothes for him in the first 4-6 months. My friend Jeanette gave me an enormous bag of clothes that were awesome and then we got a lot as gifts. This time around I went through everything and picked out what I'd want to reuse since it's kind of a different experience. I'm amazed at how small everything seems when my baby is so big now. I can't wait to put the new baby in Carson's old outfits and do the comparison shots. :)  I have bought a few things that I really wanted and then I am making some other stuff. Once we have a name picked out I'll be personalizing some things waiting in the wings. 
I had a few of these onesies that were in really good shape so I'm doing something different on each one. I made this yesterday. I'm really over the "cutesie" graphics in the stores so I'm just going to do my own thing. I've notice almost everything I bought or made new has been gray so far...

My dad gets to come out on Sunday and then we go to Carmel next weekend. Yippee!

1 comment:

Three Peas said...

You look fabulous Rachael!

Sorry about the numbness...I had carpal tunnel which does the same things in both your hands.

The good thing is it went away pretty quickly after delivery...