Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nobody hipped me to that, Dude.

I've been slammed for the last two weeks and I just got a chance to go through my own photos! Two weekends ago we all went four-wheeling up above Georgetown to Santiago Mine. I was a little ignorant to the "Colorado Aspens" because they appear to be a big deal up there this time of year. I have to say this was the most beautiful time we have ever been up there. Being able to get up above the regular tourists and see the scenery from a more private path was awesome! Everywhere you looked there were different colors. At one point I looked at Carl and said, "are we in a Bob Ross painting?" There were happy little bunches of trees all over.

We went to this exact same spot last year which you may remember here. That time there was still too much snow and we couldn't get any higher, but this is that exact same bowl...without so much snow.
This is what Carl, Andy and Dustin were doing....

While Carson was doing this - "Mom, rocks!!!!" (Not Mom rocks. Let's not get confused.)

This cave looked like it went back so far and was super deep. There were natural springs and run-offs like this everywhere up there. Those are my guys!

Next it was time to make the drive up the rest of the mountain to the mine. This was somewhere over 12,000 feet. Technically you aren't supposed to go up there, but we just walked around, hopefully not damaging anything as we went. This mine was from the late 1800's and it's still in great condition. Well, other than the bridge/train track which is a little sketchy.

This is where those tracks used to go. That gate opens up and Carl has been in there before. He said he went in around the corner and it was obvious that it has started to collapse so he booked it out of there. Carson thought it was to look in through the bars.

And stop the presses! I got in TWO different pictures this time! :)

On the way down Carl took us a different way that looked a bit scary, but ended up being so freaking beautiful. This trail was even more secluded with only a tunnel big enough for one car between the trees. We eventually came to a river with a small bridge that looked like it was for power maintenance. There sure weren't any people or houses up there!

Don't forget Christy and Andy!

I have so much more I'd like to share, but I had to narrow it all down. Exploring with the fam is so much fun!

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