Friday, March 26, 2010

Today was a big day...

Carson went to daycare for the first time!

Granted, it was only for about 3 hours, but still. I have checked into many different daycare options in the last few months and keep chickening out on pulling the trigger. I just can't stomach committing that much money to something that I don't know how it will work out and have to follow their schedules. Plus, they are SO expensive for something that we don't need right now. That being said, it has been getting pretty difficult here with Carson wanting 100% of my attention when I have some work stuff going on. I know that's why most people don't believe you can work at home without child care. I make it work for sure, it's just not the most fun option for either of us. He has been getting really antsy and starting to kind of act out so I want to get him around other kids and out of his normal everyday setting.

Well, we are setting up a new study at work so I knew I had a big teleconference this morning. I have heard a lot of good things about a drop-in daycare close by so we checked it out yesterday. Today was the perfect opportunity to use something like that. Their prices were really reasonable since they charge by 15 minute increments. You literally only pay for what you use and can set your own hours obviously. I got a really good feeling in the center and about all the ladies there. They have a preschool for 2-5 years from 9-noon so it's really structured with tons of stuff to play with. There is a toddler room for the little ones if there are lots of big kids in the main room too.

I dropped him off this morning around 8:45 and told them I'd call when I was done with my telecon. That was about 10:30 and she said he was doing great, asked for Mommy once and was in the highchair eating his snack then. I told her I'd be there by 11:30 and got a bunch of work done here. When I got there he didn't even act like it was a big deal to see me (bittersweet, right?). They said he couldn't have done any better, he played and had a great time. I am so happy. When we tried the gym daycare I think he was just too young to be introduced to it and also was a time when he was having separation anxiety to make matters worse. If this ends up being good we will try to use it one or two mornings a week for both of us to get a break. I love just knowing that I have an option to use something. There have been so many times I've felt pretty stuck because it seems like you have to do all or nothing with child care. This could be a great option for our situation!

He was so bored this week he started pulling out all the cookie sheets and stuff from below the ovens. That drawer lock is broken so I just let him at it. 
Carson 057 psed

He lined them all up, tried walking on them and then slipped on his butt. Action shot!!!
Carson 101 psed

He always watches himself in the appliances like they're mirrors.

And he is still loving his tractor book we got at Barnes and Noble. (Check out that cowlick!)

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