Friday, March 5, 2010


Apparently our little guy has a taste for sugar, chocolate in particular. He will take anything you'll give him that tastes remotely sweet. I'm not overly happy about it all. He seriously asks for Oreos every night after dinner, not that he actually gets them. We give in once in awhile and he will have two with Daddy. He sees that Carl dunks his in milk so that's how he has to eat them now. Actually, he has to have you pull it in two, then he turns one side backwards, then he dunks it in the milk. Needless to say, this creates a huge mess. He sure has fun though! 
Here is an example from the other night.

And showing us his muscles after he got cleaned up.

Our new "baby-proofing" saga right now is that we had to remove our dining room chairs. We held off for as long as we could, but we couldn't take our eyes off him for two seconds. In no time flat he can climb up the chair and he's on the counter. He pushes them up to turn on the oven, he sits on the stove, he climbs around on the table and so on. And it's not like I'm not with him the whole time and neglecting him. We will be sitting in the living room playing, he'll turn and run to the kitchen and by the time I get in there he is on the counter spilling salt all over. Carl said he really didn't want to have to give them up too, but I don't have any choice right now when I'm here with him alone all day. He has almost given me a heart attack too many times to count. So now they are all in the office and we have to shuffle them back and forth each night. What can I say, we are slaves to his antics!!!
He loves to try to run away when you come to get him off which is nerve wracking!

On a good note, he can count to ten, repeat the alphabet up to P and says all the colors now. Actually, he usually says 1, 2, 3, phone, 9, 10, GO! on his own. But he also says everything else when you ask him to.
As for the alphabet, he calls ABC "ABO". When saying the whole alphabet he stops at Q, looks at you funny and starts back over at A. 
He loves to call everything green at first and then can get the real color right on the second try. He has mastered everything black for some reason though!

And he's completely exploded his vocabulary in the last few weeks. Whether we like it or not, he is repeating everything he hears now. We've already had a couple "naughty words". Oops. He has started putting sentences together and is the cutest thing ever. He says:
Pet the kitty!
Call me Daddy!
Call me Grandpa!
We play outside. 
Bye-bye in the Jeep.
Daddy rides a bike.
and so on.....

He comes up with new words multiple times a day that he pulls out of nowhere. It shows that during all the time of silence he was at least listening. It's so amazing to hear what they have soaked up when you didn't know it.

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