Monday, March 15, 2010

Sunday Funday's 11pm on a Monday and here I sit. Awake and on the computer. It's not my fault though, it's Carson's. He has officially been banned from any type of actual grocery shopping taking place in our household. He can come if we are running in, but not the whole shebang. But because of this I have no choice but to go after he goes to bed on a weeknight. I flat out refuse to fight those stores on the weekends so it's usually Monday nights. The nice part is the store is beyond empty so I can put on my headphones and get it all banged out. However, somehow I always end up drinking too much caffeine and now, once again, it's 11pm and I'm wide awake. 

I don't really have a point to this post. I'll just share a few snapshots from the weekend. 

On Sunday morning we met up for breakfast with our friends at Gunther Toody's. None of us considered the time change when making the plans so we were all pretty tired. Go us! After we left we headed over to Carl's uncle's new apartment. On the way there Carson was fighting sleep SO hard. It was only like 10am so we wanted to keep him awake until we got home for a real nap. He kept dozing off, but wouldn't let himself go all the way. We were trying so hard not to laugh while watching his little head bounce all around. He wouldn't just lay back and this went on forever. Of course I taunted him with the phone so I could tape it. :)

That afternoon we hung out at home and watched some movies. It finally rained too! We have had such blah days lately that I have been wishing for something to happen. Carson just chilled on the couch for most of the time and shared some snacks with his daddy.

Daddy cooties!!! (We're lip-kissers in this house....) Carson doesn't seem too thrilled about it here, but he will plant one on you in a heart beat.

And he must be getting tired of seeing the camera all the time now. Lately whenever I try to take his picture and ask him to smile he'll close his eyes really tight. I have so many shots with this expression. This one from Sunday was a technical mess, but I liked his face too much.

I'm not sure how many people noticed, but the zoo contacted me in my last post. She asked if she could have permission to use my photos on their website or marketing materials. Of course I said yes. I was pretty flattered.
On Thursday two of them ended up on their blog!

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