Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New jammies

Seriously, how cute are these PJs?!?! I just love the puppy faces on the feet. He looks so cute in them! (And they were only $6!) He is finally fitting into the 0-3 outfits like this. Most of his newborn sized PJs are not even an option anymore.

Now that he has figured out how to roll over, he can't be stopped. You can set him down to play and turn your back and he will be yelling because he has turned and can't figure out how to get back on his back. It is so cute! He rolled while I was taking a picture of his PJs today:


Tara- said...

I cant believe he is already rolling over!!! Sometimes it takes till there like 5 months.. Mister Smarty Pants! What a cutie

The Smith's said...

I can't believe he is rolling!! I love his little fluffy hair in the 3rd picture. It is seriously so amazing how much and how fast they change!
Give him loves from us!