Friday, July 18, 2008

Memories of me

This has been going around, so I figure it is time to post it too...

1.As a comment on this post- Write a comment about Me or My Family that sticks out in your mind. It doesnt matter how well or little you know us.

2. Post the same instructions on your blog and see what people remember about you as well.


The Smith's said...

I OF COURSE remember Carl falling down the stairs @ Dan & Amber's old house... gotta be one of the funniest moments ever. And a memory of you that sticks out is at my wedding when you told me to hug people around their necks so that they wouldn't make my hair frizzy by the end of the night...
Good advice!

Tara- said...

Also I say to you- Where to begin, Playing Simpsons,Jurassic Park for hours on end, Our funny little language we made up (What do)!!,Talking like Beavis and Butthead,Lagoon,Getting stuck in the rain at the park, Paula Abdul concert (sweet),, Your white fringed little cowgirl boots you would wear to daycare, Classic waterslides I could go on and on I love ya.. Also I TAGGED YOU go to my blog for the questions to answer.