Monday, December 22, 2014

Sloane // Five Months Old

Oh, where to begin about our little lady. Five months is looking good on Sloane. She is a rolling foolio. She has mastered all the different directions, front-to-back and back-to-front. I'll set her down on her play mat next to my desk and before I know it she's rolled into the cabinet or over the swing leg and is screaming. She is chewing on anything she can get her hands on, which results in massive amounts of drool. Sophie the Giraffe is still a favorite teething toy. We just moved into size 2 diapers last week. I think Max was in size 2 at like 1 or 2 months. Me-ow. She gets a bunch of small catnaps throughout the day because of the boys' schedules and she's becoming a really sensitive and light sleeper. It isn't very fun. She still loves to be worn all the time and is totally happy in my arms. But heaven forbid I try to sit down with her. In the sling she wiggles until I stand up; if I'm just holding her and sit down I must let her stand on my lap. She is happy as a clam sitting on Daddy's lap in the rocking chair though. Her little hands have become quite the problem for me lately. I can't eat anything with her in my arms because he tiny fingers will swap and grip onto anything she can get them onto. She's slapped a drink out of my hands, spilled my water on me today and has gotten chunks from many sandwiches. We're so excited for her first Christmas this week and I think she'll love what Santa is bringing. :) And I don't think her eye-to-head ratio is evening out just yet either. 

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