Monday, December 29, 2014

She's floored.

I didn't even know I could take this many photos at one sitting of her just lying there, but apparently I can. Easily. Baby girl loves rolling around the living room. We got her this play mat a few weeks ago and she only stayed on it for the first few days. Now we put her down and if she isn't distracted by the toys hanging or something specific, she'll just roll right over and over and over until she's up against something and stuck. She's rolling all the different directions, front and back like a pro at this point. I love how she gives such quizative, serious faces when a camera or phone is in sight. If I don't make sounds at her and tickle her she won't at the camera at all. And of course Max has to jump in and give a cheesy smile if the camera is on her at all. Keeping him off the play mat while she's on the floor is my biggest challenge of the day. She's found her toes and they've made it to her mouth a few times too. Now we are waiting for her to push off one of these times when she gets her knees up under her! Crawl, baby!

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