Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Dec/Jan/Feb iPhone pics

Man, I really am regretting not being more on top of this blog! I have found it to be invaluable with Carson, but Max has not gotten a lot of details put up here about what he is doing. Seriously, this blog is sometimes my backup memory. It's scary. Max is totally talking all of a sudden. He's been such an observer (with a huge personality still) up until about a month or so ago and then ALL the words flooded out. I absolutely love talking to him with that cute little voice. And he is so excited now when we actually know what he is saying. He was turning into a big-time hitter there because he was getting so frustrated.

And Carson. He went into kindergarten only reading his own name. As of the first of this quarter he is full-on reading. It is almost comical around here now since we can't hide anything from him. No more spelling out hints, writing something down, texting…..he reads it all. He loves school and we can't ask for anything more. He is totally into Legos right now. He got a Lego table for Christmas and that is how he spends all his free time. We currently have a 12 car parade on our kitchen counter because he keeps them all for Carl to see when he comes home. Well, one is a bobsled, one is a submarine, one is a trailer since he ran out of wheels. LOL

Here are my phone shots from the last two months:

Playdate at Monkey Bizness.
Christmas morning
Carson got to read these two books on Christmas Eve from my childhood I managed to save which was pretty cool.
Grandpa Rick was out for Christmas the year. Surprisingly, he bought the boys golf clubs. Weird, I know.
Carl got me a spa day for Christmas which was just awesome.
Playing up at the Stanley Hotel.
Reading to little bro in the school library during my yearbook club meeting.
Those. Buns. He's losing his baby rolls. :(
Looked down to see my belly greet me along with this guy.
We got a membership to the nature and science museum this year. Max surprisingly will spend FOREVER in the diorama area. I at least get to sit down for a while.
Mom gets to wear all the flag football flags at the same time.
Story time at Barnes & Noble.
Carson using dice from our wedding to do his homework. :)
Went to the museum on a weekend so Daddy could come and saw Sharks 3D IMAX. Our Max made it barely through half. Wasn't embarrassing at all….
Post-dentist treasure chest raid.
Carson's first Valentine's Day box. We decided on a big Lego.
On Valentine's Day morning we got to go into school early for "Muffins with Mom".
Carson and his "girlfriend" Rebeca, otherwise known as their first date.
Going through the haul after school.
Max was with me when I bought Carson's red paint. He asks about what everything is so when I told him about Carson's box he demanded requested a blue monster box.
Family dinner on Valentine's night. They took soooooo long so we had to entertain them.
An uncommon cuddle with my baby. I woke him up at 4:15 from a nap and he still dozed off when we got downstairs. I so miss sleeping with them as babies. 
What a goofball.
Double shoulder ride. Totally normal.
Fellow mom sent me these pics of Carson in school:
Carl got three tickets to a Nuggets game last night and took Carson and Dustin. Carson loved it beyond what we even thought he could. So cool to expose him to these new things that we loved growing up. HE managed to get a prize from the blimp and make it onto the jumbotron. :)

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