Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Baby 3, 19 weeks

Now I'm questioning doing these weekly belly selfies….my belly isn't changing much! I always carry my babes super low and my belly starts out oddly pointy. I guess today's photo looks like it is rounding out some at least. I'm going a little nuts because I still am not sure if I have felt any movement yet. I felt the boys pretty late, but found out I don't have anterior placenta this time so I got my hopes up for before 20. I'll feel a twinge here or there and freeze, but nothing more happens. I remember at our 20 week u/s with Max laying on the table and watching my belly bounce. C'mon baby, let's do this! We find out if we're having a boy or girl next Friday, aka the longest wait EVER! I almost thought about not finding out this time and now I see why I didn't wait with the others. I'm driving myself mad. I dreamed we found out we were having a boy once with both Carson and Max and two nights ago I had the boy dream again. Although, Carl was wearing a tutu and we were sitting with a nurse in a mall dressing room…. We'll see! I'm psyching myself out at this point and a little nervous either way it goes.

I'm feeling pretty good overall though. Around week 14 my nausea was replaced with almost-daily headaches. Some were lasting multiple days at a time and Tylenol wasn't touching it. My dr. happily offered up some Fiorecet which has been a lifesaver. My back was a huge issue with Carson and pretty much dominated that pregnancy story. With Max it was never a big issue. I'm already having some issues with it now, but it seems to happen after too much activity or sitting in my horrible desk chair for too long. Really, I can't complain, all things considered. Our genetic screen all came back normal which is great. But without the movement my mind is playing tricks on me constantly on what is happening in there!

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