Saturday, March 1, 2014

Baby 3 - It's a…...

To say I/we are in shock is a gross understatement. I 100% went into the appt expecting to see boy numero tres. The tech asked if we wanted to find out and if we should start with that. Now, let's just say this time the view looked much different than the boys' ultrasounds. When she was looking around at that area it was quickly obvious what was missing, but I couldn't believe it. Then through the appointment the tech kept saying, "there's HER arm…" etc. What?! I can only equate this to the feeling right after you get married and it is so weird to start calling your partner husband or wife. I can't seem to say the word she out loud yet since it still doesn't feel real. But it is real! Holy crap!!!

She was measuring 19w6d and was technically 20w2d. Maybe the girl will be a tad smaller; the boys were always ahead a few days. I also find it interesting that at 16 weeks the heartbeat was 139 and at 20 weeks it was 146. That doesn't line up with the old wives' tale about boy/girl and heart rate. That's about what my boys always were at too. All the parts were there, looked right and no concerns from the doc. I do have anterior placenta for the third time which is why I'm not feeling much movement yet.

I have always felt in my life that everything happens for a reason and I feel so content with life today. All is good at the Wooten household.

The doctor told me it was okay for Carson to come if he wanted to and he very much did. We pulled out the DVD of his ultrasound earlier in the week so he kind of knew what to expect. He is still totally thrown by the concept of the baby's belly button not being connected to my belly button. It is so cool to see how excited he is for this baby though. I expected some jealousy or anger, but he just hugs and kisses the belly and says, "I just can't wait until the baby comes out!!" "How many days until it is out?" "Remember you'll have to feed the baby with the Boppy, Mom." So cute.

He gets to be Star of the Week in his class this week. This means he got to bring home Dip, the class pet, last night. (Can I just say how happy I was to learn Dip was a STUFFED animal?!?!) We are supposed to take photos of Dip out with us during the weekend and then put them in the big class book with Carson's story. This was our first photo. :)  My belly seems to change shape at different times of the day. Apparently it was in a wide and chubby state for the photo. Boo.

We went to Carmel last weekend and had an amazing time, just the two of us. The boys didn't even notice we were gone. But I ended up having an insanely busy week right as soon as we got back. Max went to daycare three times, which is saying a lot. This photo was my comfy outfit and pointy belly on my way to a ton of work.

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