Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cartoons and Apples

I blogged this over at my business blog too, but I just don't feel like retyping anything. Yay for copy and paste!

One of my goals (NOT resolutions) is to get back on the bandwagon of everyday photos of my babe. For almost three years now I have taken photo after photo, trying to capture the little details of his daily life. Lately with the new pregnancy my personal photos have gone down the tubes! I see something happening in our daily lives that make me take pause and my lack of energy wins out. But now I have this fear, irrational or not, that when June comes around with a new baby, my old baby is going to get left in the dust. All of a sudden I want to snap shots of Carson all day long and make sure he knows that the new baby isn't more important. Being an only child has given me such a weird perspective on siblings. I am truly worried that I won't love my second child as much as Carson.....or that somehow I'd love it more. How stupid is that??? Then I stop and know that my love will just double and I start crying for ever feeling like my love for them would be lessened. Ugh, these hormones are lame.

Anyway, I just grabbed a few shots of Carson doing his thing that I wanted to share. A cartoon and an apple makes Mommy turn invisible. The more I tried to get in front of him the more he unconsciously looked around me. I love the puffy space-face though!

I always laugh at this face he makes. He totally has the same pointy eyebrows as me and my dad.

OH! And I finally was able to get an appt scheduled for our ultrasound. We go in on February 1 and hopefully this monster will be as cooperative as Carson was at his.

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

I am an only child as well... and had the same thoughts! You will be amazed at how much love you feel for BOTH of them...until the baby gets old enough to realize that older brother is a pain and ALWAYS in his space... and you become a referee... but one that loves them both with endless amounts of love to go around. No worries!! You will be a great mommy of 2... and possibly more...?