Friday, September 24, 2010

A chicken, a caterpillar and a cat.

Today was a daycare day so I could finish up a project. Carl didn't have to be to jury duty until 9:30 this morning so he wanted to grab breakfast. We figured we'd go to Chick-fil-A since it's by where we were going. On the way down I was asking Carson if he wanted to have chicken nuggets for breakfast, just to tease him. He thinks the only place to have go for breakfast is McDonald's so he told me he was going to go play at "BicDonald's" and have apples and fries. Then, after more explanation, he started saying he was going to "Chicken Play". Close...Playing at Chick-fil-A. He realized that's also somewhere we play and so that's what he came up with. It was cute. :)

Here were the boys at breakfast. Carl's head isn't really shaped like that. Great iPhone pic.
When I picked Carson up at daycare he had a present for me. He had made his very first craft to bring home and it almost made me cry. He's only ever colored/painted pictures so this was so cool. I absolutely loved it. His teacher said he was adimant that the paint only goes on the very tops and had a lot of fun making it. I could tell when we got home and saw he had blue paint all over his shirt and in his hair. This is definitely documentable. Not a word, I know.

 And just to share my old girl... I was taking that picture and turned to see her baking in the front window. She is so old, but she is still truckin'. We are pretty sure she's 14 now, but she ages very well! She is constantly cold because she weighs next to nothing. She often can be seen laying on her own heating pad, laying on the heating vents and curled up inside blankets. She will attack your lap just to soak up every bit of warmth possible. It's no surprise she was loving the sun.

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