Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Who likes to rock the potty?

Not my son!

That is the ring tone that has been playing this morning every time the "potty alarm" goes off. That one seemed appropriate since it always makes Carson dance and I then realized I could change party to potty in the words. I was planning on waiting a little longer to start potty training again, but yesterday made me change my mind.

We spent the day at our friends' house (aka my friend and her two sons). Her oldest son is 3 1/2 and I'm pretty sure Carson saw him using the potty. The boys were all over the house while the mommies were doing their thing in the living room. At one point I hadn't seen Carson for a while so I went looking. You know, the "it's a little too quiet" moment... I found him in the bathroom with his pants around his ankles, diaper on the ground and both toilet lids up. He may or may not have actually peed while there, but I was pretty excited to see he just took the initiative himself. Then in the afternoon the exact same thing happened in a different bathroom.

I told him today would be potty day, but it hasn't worked at all. He loves talking about the potty, but doing is a different story. I figured if I stick to diapers for the first while and try the timer then it should work like it does for everyone else. Now the alarm goes off, he yells "rock the potty!", I say it's time to go to the potty and he yells NO. Actually his last response was, "I thought I said no potty time! I'm playing Thomas game." And then he makes a face like you told him Santa died. I guess we'll just keep going, fight and all. I've even very clearly let him know that when he really does go potty in the toilet he'll get to pick out a sticker from the special sheet and get an Oreo. He just tells me he wants an Oreo anyways. I asked Christy this morning if I could just hire some magic person to come do this for me. She politely told me no.

And I'd also like to publicly apologize to my dear friend Jamie. Yesterday Carson also managed to find a black marker and write ALL OVER in her son's room. I'm talking on the window, the lamp shade, the night stand, some book covers and the top of the nice Thomas train table. I seriously feel horrible. I know boys will be boys, but man. That was a bad one. Luckily she's pretty awesome so I don't think she'll kill us this time. :)

At our house the crayons, markers, chalk etc. are kept under lock and key. They only come out with direct supervision because I know that's exactly what he does when he gets a chance. We are pretty good artists though! Be jealous.


Grandma said...

Who likes to rock the potty? Bret likes to rock the potty. And hopefully Carson will soon too.

Jamie said...

Haha!! Love this!!! Don't worry about the marker! Wyatt was laughing about it last night. He saw it and said, "awww Carson wrote on my lamp", then he giggled and said --- "he's silly" -- it was funny! Had a great time!

Shannon said...

I love reading your posts and comparing where Owen will be in a few months! hopefully we'll be a little more gung ho potty!
I finally decided to do a little blog too.

The Smith's said...

Okay... we got a Potty Watch for Kaestin and it worked amazingly. Google it... I also took a Friday off when the next Monday was a holiday and we stayed at home the ENTIRE time and potty trained. It was tough at times, and definitely harder for mom than him, but so totally worth it when the 4 days were over...
Good luck!