Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More from yesterday

So I dragged Carl and Carson out for a sunset walk last night like I'd planned. Okay, not really dragged....Carson jumped out of the house. :)  Unfortunately it started raining while we were out so I was doing magic tricks to take pictures and hide my camera from the drops. But the sky looked AMAZING. The combination of the clouds and the soft yellow sun was great.

I'm really starting to love taking photos and it has become something I can actually say is a hobby. With the nice weather it has been fun to get some new subjects (that don't hit or yell at me...). So what that means is I'm practicing a lot of new things to get down the mechanics of how to make the looks I want happen. Sorry, some might not be so great along the way, but I'm doing the best I can for what I'm working with right now! :)  I really want to have them here to look back and see an actual line of progression. Hopefully. At heart I am a big time perfectionist so it will be good to put it all out there, perfect or not.

With the low light I was practicing using the sun for silhouettes vs. soft back-lighting. These were the exact same location and pose back-to-back.

I've also been able to get some actual rays when trying sunflare. Carson never sits still long enough for me to use him so I used a cool dead flower and Mr. Man's favorite "tractor dirt".

And lastly, these gorgeous floral bushes are blooming all over outside our neighborhood. I'm a sucker for girly pink blossoms. I got a couple photos of them I like, but I think I need to go get some more now that I see what I should have done differently. Aren't they pretty though?!
( I know the colors are different on each of these. I added the vintage feel to the first one and liked it, but then left the second one alone. I couldn't decide which to choose! I tend to lean toward a vintage style in everything I like though. )

And my dad just flew in today! He will be at the auctions today, tomorrow and Thursday, but we get to have him for three nights! Carson has been talking about Grandpa on an airplane all day now. We can't wait. And I think tomorrow is something special too............. :)

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