Wednesday, April 7, 2010

2010 Easter Weekend

We had a really fun and relaxing Easter weekend this year. I didn't even really think about the actual gift part for Carson until a few days before, but it still turned out great. On Saturday we went over to our friends', Nick and Erin, for Ava's first birthday party. It was a ton of fun for the kids and the adults got to mingle and eat which is always good. 
Erin did a great job on all the decorations. She made the theme ladybugs and tutus so it was very girly, but so cute! These were the cupcakes.
 Ava dug into her very red cake and frosting.
 The pals saying hi.

 Then.......Ava got a battery powered quad for a gift. She rode it around for a while and you could just see the twinkle in Carson's eye. We told him he could ride it and he looked up like he couldn't even believe what he was hearing. 
 Once he got on he kept turning and looking at everyone with a look of joy on his face like never before.
We could hardly tear him off the thing! Now we are debating about getting him a Power Wheels for his birthday too. He just had way too much fun. I've looked at them at the store numerous times, but I didn't think he was old enough. He definitely held his own and did well driving it by himself. I found a Jeep that is for 2-5 years so we might go that way since we haven't picked out a gift for him yet. I wasn't ready for this yet though! :)

This is our favorite cat in the entire world, Vader. Carson hugged, kissed and chased him all around. He was so sad that the dogs weren't there which was so cute. He gets so excited when we go to the friends houses that have the "foof foofs".

For Easter I ended up buying Carson a few toys for outside, a remote control tractor, a plastic golf club, a new bouncy ball and a Mega Blocks Muno set. (That seems like a lot when I write it down, but it was all really cheap.) He seems to get bored easily and we don't buy new toys all that often so I like to take these opportunities to get him new stuff.

Carl brought him to the top of the stairs, pointed to the table to show Carson and Carson yelled, "NEW TOYS!!!!!" It was so funny. He practically fell trying to run down the stairs. He zoomed across the room and stopped to give me the biggest smile. That's why he gets new toys. :)

He played all day long and is still playing with them all like they are brand new, which should seem obvious, but it isn't always with him. 
When he decides he wants to play with the golf club he starts yelling, "hit the ball!"

Then he played with his "foddy ball, yibbit yibbit" (that's froggy ball, ribbit ribbit) outside for the entire afternoon. When it was time for dinner he wouldn't come inside so we just had to leave the screen door open and he came in and out. It's so nice that he's getting so much bigger and we can trust that he won't fall off the patio constantly. He did get one scrapped knee and shin, but he got a band-aid and thought he was so cool again. Actually when he gets hurt now he runs up to us saying "kiss it better" and won't stop crying until we do. 

This is his 'Mom, where are my sunglasses?' face.

Carl's uncle Gary came over to spend the afternoon with us too. Carson was all about hopping up on his lap for dessert. Apparently the kid hasn't learned any manners in all his years and just dug his fingers right into Gary's whipped cream. What. A. Mess.

So now we have to do a little prep for Carson's upcoming birthday. We still don't know what we're going to take him to do, but Carl and my mom have that day off and my Dad is coming out for it too. We wanted to take him on a train, but I'm having a hard time finding one that isn't over $50 a person. We'll see!

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