Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This week in Carson

On Thursday I was pretty busy with work, but we were playing while I was on the phone. We sat on the bench by the windows like we do all the time. Carson can scoot his butt forward and slide straight off all by himself, but not this time. As we are sitting there I think he is just sliding off and the next thing I know he supermans it straight off and onto his face. I scooped him right up to try to calm him down all while I'm still on the phone with my coworker.

I lean him back to wipe his tears and see he is drooling a large amount of blood. I scream that I'll call her back and throw the phone. We rushed over to the sink because his mouth was seriously full of blood and I couldn't tell where it was coming from. Turns out his top two teeth went right into his bottom lip and it was bad.

This picture was the next day. The two spots turned to HUGE canker sores and he had a fat(ter) lip for awhile. They got bigger and looked like big blisters even after this. It is now 7 days later and they still aren't gone.

We scooted back our couches for more play room and I am starting to cycle out the baby toys for big boy ones. We got these Mega Blocks last week and he is having a blast with them. He has started to treat everything like a car and drives the long blocks around on the carpet.

Look at those cheeeeeeks! He gets what I call "puffy face" when he is really concentrating.

As far as talking goes, this last week has been so much fun. He had gone for about a month where he actually stopped saying a lot of the things that were his regulars and we were a little frustrated (only because we love hearing him talk). We know he understands what we say...he will get anything you ask him for and he can point out anything you say in a book. I have read a lot about when toddlers talk and I keep seeing that in boys especially it is totally normal for them to stop and then have a "word explosion".

I think we are about to be bombed!

For awhile he has said CHEESE, which he pronounces, "Sheeeesh!"
We were having ice cream the other night and he started saying ice adlfkjdskfj;afkj. Ice was no problem, cream was a jumbled mess. The next thing we know it turns to Ice Sheesh, which is so dang cute. For two days he was running around saying, "Ice Sheesh, Ice Sheesh!"

Last week I was moving toys and his psycho FP Puppy said, "Bye Bye!" He repeated it right away and has been saying it ever since. We were at Ross looking for toys and he screamed it after a toy I tried said it too.

Monday I asked him to say baby while we were reading a book and he said it twice. Since then he will repeat it all the time, but he says, "Bubby". Yesterday there was a diaper commercial with laughing babies and he ran around screaming Bubby.

Oh! And Monday night after his bath he said, "Love OOO!" after I said it! That was the best yet.

It has just been fun to go from very little to a new word almost everyday all of a sudden.
Yesterday he spent 45 minutes at the gym daycare without getting upset!!! I told them he could go out in the big kid area if they keep an eye on him and he did great. He played basketball and parachutes in the court, played Pacman on the computer, colored and played with the other kids. It was so nice to drop him off without him clawing for me not to leave.
He has been getting really crafty at his naughtiness now with all the baby-proofing. He keeps scooting different toys up to the entertainment center to get to all the electronics. Yesterday he flipped over the music stage, scooted it up to the shelf, stood on it and took out the Wii disc. He also takes the big plastic bowls from the kitchen, turns them upside down, stands on them and reaches up on the kitchen counters.
I know that is all random. I will forget everything if I don't write it down though!!!

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

So stinkin cute... Hey Carl told Justin that you guys are coming to town and you are MORE THAN WELCOME to stay at our house, just let me know so I can clean up!
If you decide not to stay here, we look forward to seeing you during a visit at least!!