Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Monkey turned Houdini

From the beginning of our relationship I have been told many stories about what a handful Carl was as a child. He always escaped their house, ran to stores naked, terrorized who knows what, etc etc etc. His grandma still calls him Houdini and Dennis the Menace. I was always threatened that I would have to deal with Carl 2.0 when the day came along that we had a son. Well, I guess the day is here.

Last night Carson escaped from his crib and then from his bedroom.

On Sunday night he refused to sleep at Nick & Erin's house and it has been just as bad ever since. I honestly think we have hit some kind of a new round of separation anxiety. He absolutely refuses to sit in his crib or PnP alone and throws a fit if I leave. He keeps trying to claw his way out and grabs onto any part of me so I don't leave him. This is a totally new thing.

Monday night he was horrible and ended up in bed with me for the first time in 6 months. Last night he slept until midnight in his crib and then woke up hysterical. I got him calmed down eventually, but he flipped out when he hit the mattress. I have been telling Carl we need to drop the crib to the lowest level for awhile because even though he hadn't tried, I knew Carson could probably get out if he wanted. He can get down from our huge bed with no problem at all.

Back to about 1am last night when I put him back in the crib. I could tell he was pretty frantic, but I wanted to leave him alone for a minute to see if he'd calm down. I really had a feeling he would get out in the very back of my mind though. In the <30 seconds it took me to get in my room and back into bed I realized the yelling stopped and I heard the door handle bounce. In a split second I knew exactly what happened, threw on my glasses and RAN out of my room. Sure enough, his door is wide open and he is missing. It wouldn't be a big deal other than we don't have a gate on the top of our stairs. I yelled his name, did a quick check of his room and ran out to keep looking. Next thing I know he is running back to me from down the hall. My mom said her door was open this morning so he must have busted into there, thankfully.

I was so shaken up since, being 1am, I was also half asleep. After this he went in the PnP right next to my side of the bed. He would only stand up and had to have my arm right by him. He kept lying his head against our mattress, rubbing his hair and face and dozed off standing like this a few times. He would bound up as soon as I touched him though.

He eventually got down on his knees with his face buried in the sheet and fell asleep at 3:22am. I can't even believe we were up that long. He woke up at 5:45 with Carl, slept on me until 6:30 and luckily let me put him back in the PnP where he slept until 8am. After the two nights before this being a total disaster, let's just say I'm a little tired today!

Tonight his crib is going all the way to the bottom and I will be getting another door handle cover for his room.

1 comment:

erin said...

I'm beginning to think that my house is the reason my baby won't sleep... you're the second person to be jinxed by my house!!! sheesh I feel bad!