Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some new videos

Let me start by saying, I am NOT the best videographer. You have been warned. :)

The grandparents have been demanding some new video, especially of Carson walking. Here are a few with walking, playing and all sorts of stuff. They are all a few minutes long, so take your pic!

Here's him walking!

Ok. Not matter what he is doing, if you put the lid on his blocks he will come from across the room to take it off. He doesn't even really want to play with the lid, he just doesn't want it on the box. He was doing it in this video. And some more walking :)

If you put something right in the middle of the table he will walk all around it trying to get it from different angles. When it is his box with the lid its even worse. He burns a lot of calories daily just doing laps like this.

He will play with the radio in our bathroom for as long as I'll let him. He has always liked to touch it, but now that he knows how to open the CD player it is a new ball game. He will turn it on and sit back wondering how in the world it happened. He finally smooshed his finger the other day and broke the lid all in one motion. We are done playing with it for now...

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