Friday, January 23, 2009

So....He really is traumatized

We haven't given Carson baths since he outgrew the infant insert in the baby bathtub. He takes a shower with Carl every night and he has a blast. Well, he is getting so big and squirmy that it is getting hard for Carl to keep a hold of him. I thought we could try a bath in the smaller tub last night and I would take a picture of him with his new bath letters.

Um, no. He literally FLIPPED out. He was screaming and clawing at me to pick him up. I had to have my mom go get Carl to come hold him so I could at least get him washed off. Apparently he really didn't like the ocean!

Okay, we're good!

1 comment:

Three Peas said...

Ah well, showers conserve more water anyway...