Friday, December 12, 2008


This is what I found yesterday. We had stuff on the stairs to be carried up and he had thrown it all over. When I found him he was actually up 3 or 4 stairs and I pulled him down before running for the camera. This all happened in the time it took me to walk in the kitchen and grab some lunch.

Then he confirmed it for us last night and went from the bottom to the top a few times. Needless to say, I bought a gate today! :)

Edited to add: Sigh. He just got past my box barricade and was sitting up on the landing! What a monster.


Three Peas said...

Good lord! Time to REALLY babyproof now!!!

The Smith's said...

LOL... what a mover!! He just wanted to check out his new clothes!

Tara- said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! U just wait sister!!!