Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Better than expected

Carson had to go the the pediatrician this morning for his 2 month well-care visit. This included not 1, but 5 shots for his vaccinations.

He is measuring 23 inches long (19 1/4 at birth) and 11 pounds 1 ounce. He literally fell as 50% on all measurements on the scale so he is exactly average. The doc said he is doing great and is exactly where he should be developmentally.

Then came the shots. He had two in one thigh and three in the other. When she stuck the first needle in he immediately exploded. His face scrunched up and he screamed a scream that I have never heard come out of him. She did them all really fast though and I was able to scoop him up. He let out a few more whimpers and then somehow he was just fine. I thought he would be screaming the entire way home.

Now he is asleep, so we'll see what the rest of the day holds for us...

1 comment:

The Smith's said...

Don't you hate shots! I always make sure Kaestin is looking at the nurse so he doesn't think I am the one hurting him!!